Sensorial Workshop

Explores how different sensorial cues, such as taste, sight, touch, smell, and hearing affect our emotions and moral judgments, both positively and negatively.

A growing body of evidence from psychology to the neurosciences has shown how certain senses can elicit specific emotional and moral reactions, being sight one of the most researched. But all senses are important. Robin at al., for instance, found that a sweet taste corresponds with “happiness” whereas bitterness is linked with “anger” and “disgust,” (Robin et al. 2003, Thomson, D. M., 2010, Wang et al., 2015, 2016). Similarly, inducing different emotional states such as fear or anger can alter our sensorial sensibilities. Researchers noted, for instance, that anger is correlated with an increase in temperature whereas fear has been linked to a decrease (Levenson et al., 1991). Through various exercises, participants will be able to observe and interpret how their behaviour and decision-making play out when engaging with stimuli from our five primary senses.


Available soon.